Hello and welcome everyone to our first Major update for Spyre in 2023. Firstly, we want to thank everyone for their patience in waiting while we took some additional time in delivering what we will present with you all today.

Introduction to the key topics which will be discussed:

  • The return of the Kamek surface material
  • Overview of our 2 new products
  • Updates and restocking of the Loque
  • Aimer Pack bundles and Slides
  • Improving Standardization
  • Customer Reward Keys

 Lets get into it!


Return of a Favourite: Rosana

We would like to provide a long awaited update on the availability of our Kamek product. We understand that many of you have been patiently waiting and asking about its continuation.

As a smaller company, we needed time to reflect on this product, figure out where it stands in our range, solve manufacturing challenges and think about what other adjustments to make.

We're excited to say that we've taken all feedback to create a new and improved version of this same surface with a brand new colourway we're calling Rosana.

The complete list of upgrades:

  • Color changed to Taffy Pink
  • Thickness reduced from 4mm to 3 mm
  • New rubber base (Slightly firmer to Kamek)
  • Printed logo instead of heat transfer
  • Stitching closing join moved from middle right side to top left corner
  • Packaging tube increased 1cm in diameter for a better unrolling consistency

Please note: This is not the end for the original Kamek Gray colorway. We're 100% committed to bringing an improved version of that color choice back again in the near future. We'll keep everyone updated on our progress for this and hope to have it back and available soon.


Finding the Right Balance: Apogee

The Apogee strikes a perfect balance between the Kamek and the Loque, providing gamers with an ideal blend of speed, balance, and control. For those who felt the Kamek had too much control and the Loque a bit too sensitive to mouse movements, then the Apogee's texture and smoothness will be highly appreciated. The Apogee features the same base as the Loque, paired with a brand new smooth polyester surface created to enhance comfort during longer sessions of use.


Red is for Fast: Dahru

The Dahru is a visually striking surface, featuring a vibrant red color and an exceptionally silky texture. It provides a remarkable level of stopping power while maintaining a slightly faster speed than our other pads. The Dahru introduces another completely new surface to our product range, offering a unique Polyester feeling and deep cushion density that we hope gamers enjoy. 


Restocked at Last: Loque

Along with the announcement of our new pads and colorways comes the return of the Loque stitched. We've learned a lot from experimenting with the 50x50 cm square size, which may later return again one day. For now, this experience helped create improved standardisation guidelines that we hope will better define the future of our brand.


For Previous Customers

Customers who own an active Kamek or Loque warranty code will be able to collect a free mouse pad by exchanging their codes. This offer is again excluding shipping costs.

Some existing customers may choose to try all four products, which is why we have also created Aimer Packs (more below). Previous customers who own active codes can receive an additional discount on their Aimer Packs if they choose to exchange their codes. All Aimer Packs for both our new and existing customers will come with free shipping.


Aimer Pack (Free Shipping)

This is a value-pack which includes all four of our current mouse pads: Loque, Rosana, Apogee, and Dahru with the added bonus of Free Shipping.

The Aimer Pack is a great option for customers who have siblings, gamer friends or simply want to try all of our mouse pad range. 

Optional Extras include: All customers can finally sample our new Slides range by adding one pack to their Aimer Pack order at a discounted rate of 50% off.

The aimer pack and all our mouse pads are now available for pre-orders here.



Have you lost your Slide?

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our first Non-Mouse Pad product: Slides. Slides are custom-made PTFE mouse feet, designed to go on the bottom of your mouse, providing a smoother glide and improved performance.



Improving Standardization

We are announcing today the indefinite discontinuation of the Non-Stitched options to our products and will resize our full range to the original XL size of 48x40 cm to match the current product line.

At Spyre, we're constantly working to enhance our products, and we're now focused on creating better standardization across our initial product line. We constantly engage and listen to customer feedback, speak to subject matter experts from various fields and internally discuss results within our diverse team. To that end, we've made a few changes that we want to share with you:



For the first series of Spyre products, we'll be sticking with the clean and simple two-tone colorways for our mouse pads and logos. We may later explore designs, gradients, and patterns in the future once our brand is more established.

Going forward, we'll be using printed logos as the standard for all of our products. This change will result in a smoother glide on our mouse pads and a more uniform look and feel overall.



We have named the experimental 50x50 cm Square size as the XL SQ. This experimental size resulted in a significant product weight gain, which led to a very sharp rise in shipping costs. Being a small start-up we are unable to absorb these increased costs and we also didn't want to pass these onto our customers.

Instead, we made a critical business decision to align our first series of pads to a standard of 48x40 cm, which will become our official XL size. 

Why 48x40 over 49x42? This decision primarily came down the start-up size of our company and being able to efficiently grow into the future. Unnecessary extra size drastically increases the risks of global shipping costs going up anywhere to 20%, as which was what happened with the Loque XL SQ.



After conducting a thorough review, we have found that the Non-Stitched option was neither as popular nor as functional as we had anticipated. During the Loque peak, the non-stitched version only sold approximately 15% compared to the stitched version. Additionally, we received reports that the non-stitched edges did not feel comfortable for everyone. As a result, we have decided to discontinue the non-stitched versions for any future pads that we are currently discussing and for future Loque restocks.

We understand that some of our customers may still prefer the non-stitched option, and we want to ensure their satisfaction. Therefore, we will keep a limited number of Loque Non-Stitched versions as replacements for those who wish to continue using them.



To ensure consistency across all our Mouse Pad Series, we have decided to standardize the size and design of our packaging. We found that the tube packaging size for the Loque at 8cm in diameter was wider than necessary and too tight for the Kamek at 6cm.

As a result, we have decided to adopt a middle ground for all our future products and Restocks with a diameter of 7cm. This size will provide a snug fit for our Mouse Pads while also allowing for ease of global packaging and shipping.


Revitalising customer loyalty rewards

Today, we are also announcing the removal of the 10-year replacement agreement on all future products. Customers have shown us over the last 2 years that new pad exchanges were over 10x more popular than replacements. We also found that in general, customers do not expect a product to last their whole lifetime. We believe that our Mouse Pads have now proven their quality to no longer need a replacement guarantee.

Moving forward we will be creating a new loyalty code-based reward system that will include a variety of refreshing rewards some of which will still include free new pads.

We couldn't 100% guarantee the manufacturers into the future (3rd party risk)

Although we wanted to hold stock back for replacements, which we have done, there's still no definable way to determine what the end-game quantity expectations on replacement fulfilment numbers could be, especially lagging for that long of a time period. Reality of our situation is without owning the manufacturers we can't promise the continued years of business from them.

Instead we will push for a successful business model that can provide more than enough reason for our manufacturers to stay open and operational. We thank you all for being apart of this journey with us.