Tablet of Prosperity
If everything is something
And all of nothing is one thing
One thing that is always nothing
Then how can you ever be alone
Treat existence like non-existence
Let the universe and time pull you forward naturally
Reside your mind halfway in and halfway out
Watch nothingness and selflessness come together as one
The self is the forever curse
If there is no self
Then there are no problems
If there are no problems then everything would be in harmony
See everything as yourself
Trust that you are always where you need to be
Do what feels right at the moment of opportunity
Keep no fixed plans
Change is inevitable
Stay in the centre
Move with least resistance
Everything will become clear in due time
The universe is on your side
It wants to grow with you
You experience within your mind
The universe experiences within you
Who can love all unconditionally
Who can absorb hate and transmute love
This might seem impossible
Never forget, I'm possible
It starts in yourself
Strive to be the smallest part
Love everyone and everything
Let the growing happen outside of you
Three close friends who are always welcome
Generosity, Patience and Humility
They arrived and never left
Yet can no longer be found
In you, becomes Family
In Family, becomes City
In City, becomes Country
In Country, becomes World