Who are we
Spyre was originally founded in Nov 2021 by a group of Australian FPS players searching for lasting high quality products to improve the gaming experience. Our products are tried and tested by some of the best aimers in the world. It is our mission to become a more localised global option for gamers to enjoy great new lasting products while also sharing in an mutually benefiting opportunity to provide each other value while continuing to positively grow the gaming ecosystem.
Postage from Australia, what are the expectations around shipping?
This is tricky to exact because countries can legally hold packages for up to 1-2 weeks in customs before moving them onto customers. If you set your expectations for around 4-6 weeks you shouldn't be disappointed. We are also investigating potential international resellers and fulfilment this will be communicated once setup and running. Here is an available list of expected International Shipping times.
Will discounts for the Manta be redeemable using previous Reward Codes?
No, at this current time. Reward codes from the Loque, Apogee, Dahru, Kamek and Rosana will not be redeemable for any direct discounts on the Manta. The Manta will also come with it's own Reward Code (RC). We plan to have the RC system ready by the end of the year which is also when codes will be distributed.
What is the best way to clean the mouse pads?
We have found a simple wet wipe or makeup wipe as-you-go provides the best results. After gently rubbing over the dirty spot, then clean with a dry cloth or towel to remove any remaining residue from the wipes. If the mark doesn't disappear first time, try the same method again at a later time or a dollop of soap and light water with a dry cloth.
When + How will Reward Codes work?
Reward codes will be distributed via the e-mail addresses used to place the orders. The codes will be delivered once the system is ready to be used and has passed vigorous testing. If your email was wrong, been retired or has changed there will be ways to recover lost codes and merge accounts.
Will options exist for reseller customers to redeem reward codes?
Yes we will try our best here. We want to make sure all Spyre customers receive the same benefits no matter where they purchase from. Reseller orders will be considered in design and construction of such a system. Once the system is released more information will be availableon how to redeem those.